27 MAR 1987
car | motorcycle

- Employer:
- Project:Response | Security events remediation
- Techs:GCP | Firebase Functions | Firestore | Node.js | TypeScript | Elasticsearch
- • Attribute static IPs to Cloud Functions with Serverless VPC Access, custom VPC network & Cloud NAT
- • Development of a new API from the ground up with a FaaS architecture hosted on GCP & Firebase
- • API that enables an UI to trigger automated remediation actions depending on custom cybersecurity events rules created by the user
- • Use the Elasticsearch Watcher API to trigger remediation actions when a security event is detected
- • Implement Node.js backends best practices: tooling, Git hooks, modular architecture, tests with a 99%+ code coverage
- • CI/CD with GitLab: automate builds, tests, lints & releases
- • Add Merge Request reports to GitLab: code coverage, test suites & Terraform
- • Automate infrastructure deployments with Terraform
- • Create a shared monorepo project with Turborepo & Changesets to manage releases
- Employer:
- Project:Cloud infrastructure audit & refactor
- Techs:GCP | GKE | Kubernetes | Kustomize | GitLab | Terraform
- • Redo their GKE Kubernetes clusters from scratch
- • Use a GitOps approach to manage the infrastructure
- • Use Kustomize to organize K8s manifests
- • Create custom VPC network
- • Add the Linkerd service mesh to increase security with mTLS
- • Add Linkerd multicluster extension to enable encrypted multi-cluster traffic
- • Put Secrets & ConfigMaps in Git, encrypting Secrets with Sops from Mozilla
- • Automate their Cloud infrastructure resources allocation using Terraform
- • Create an automated CouchDB database backup in Bash as a Kubernetes CronJob
- • Audit their existing Cloud infrastructure & document it
- Employer:
- Project:Google Cloud landing zone
- Techs:GCP
- • Creation of a new Google Cloud Identity
- • Help with the implementation of best practices related to GCP Organizations
- Employer:
- Project:Joey | Mobile app & FaaS development
- Techs:React Native | TypeScript | AWS | Lambda | CloudFormation | DynamoDB
- • Create & maintain AWS Lambda cloud functions
- • Automate AWS resources allocation using CloudFormation
- • Add features, refactor & maintain native app with React Native
- • TypeScript expertise to ensure code quality & maintainability
- • Implement subscription payment system on Google Play & Apple App Store
- • Debugging & L3 support
APR 2020 - NOV 2020
IT Services
- Client:
- Project:Performance diagnostics
- Techs:Golang | MongoDB | Kubernetes
- • Analyze MongoDB performance bottlenecks on MongoDB Atlas
- • Suggest changes on MongoDB queries that end-up with a high CPU usage
- • Implement an in-memory cache service in Golang for performance improvements with complex MongoDB queries
- Client:
- Project:Ski lift tickets sales data lake
- Techs:Dataflow | GCP | Terraform
- • Create Cloud Infrastucture as Code using Terraform & Ansible on Google Cloud Platform
- Project:Small missions here & there
- Techs:React | Ionic Framework | GitLab
- • Add features on a React Ecommerce app to find a local professional gardener
- • Implement features on a hybrid mobile app using the Ionic Framework & React
- Project:XDoGÂ |Â Kubernetization & move to GCP of Web platforms
- Techs:Docker | JavaScript | Kubernetes | GCP | GKE | Istio | Jenkins
- • Migrate web platforms to Kubernetes on Google Kubernetes Engine
- • Adapt APIs for K8s: health probes, Prometheus metrics, etc
- • Assist in adapting Jenkins pipelines to Google Cloud Platform
- Project:eXperience Design | Features development & maintenance of Web platforms
- Techs:Node.js | React | JavaScript | Styled-Components | Gatsby.js
- • Front-end/back-end engineering using React, Redux, Node.js & Koa
- • Production debugging & monitoring
- • CI/CD with GitLab
- Client:
- Project:NemEO/DiginEOÂ |Â Web framework & portal
- Techs:React | Redux | Node.js | TypeScript | Docker
- • Technical manager of a 3-developer team
- • Front-end development: React & Redux
- • Maintenance of the Architectural Design Document
- • Deployment industrialization using Docker
- Employer:
- Project:Pulsar | Ground-Segment simulators with UI
- Techs:Node.js | TypeScript | Angular | Docker | PostgreSQL | Java 8 | Spring Boot
- • Use case supervisor on Postgres DB engineering & implementation
- • Development of multiple micro-services & components: back-end using Node.js & TypeScript, front-end using Angular v6
- • Micro-services dockerization
- • CLI utilities development
- Employer:
- Project:Trafic | Files transfer tool
- Techs:Java 6 | JsCh | Jenkins
- • Development of a new transfer protocol using native File System
- • Maintenance: refactoring of several classes
- • Jenkins CI/CD project integration
- Client:
- Project:Client base management with UI
- Techs:Angular.js | JavaScript | Docker | Spring Boot
- • Back-end development using Java 8 with Spring Boot & JPA
- • Front-end development using Angular.js, Bootstrap & SASS
- • Docker initiation & Spring Boot container creation
Intermediate Japanese CertificateSendagaya Japanese InstituteTOKYO - JP
Japanese Language Bachelor DegreeJean-Jaures UniversityTOULOUSE - FR
Import-Export DegreeAFPATOULOUSE - FR
Computer Programming Bachelor DegreeAFPATOULOUSE - FR